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Journal of Cancer Prevention


Journal of Korean Association of Cancer prevention 2003; 8(4): 236-244

Published online December 30, 2003

© Korean Society of Cancer Prevention

Current Status of Breast Cancer⁣Occurrence, Etiology, Symptom, Treatment and Prevention⁣

Nam-Sun Paik


Since 1988 year, cancer has become the most common cause of death in Korea. Still gastric cancer is the most common cancer in mail, but since 2001 year breast cancer became the most common cancer in female. There are several reasons, 1) Westernized food patterns; high fat and high calorie diet, 2) lower birth rate, 3) shorter period of breast feeding, 4) longer exposure to estrogen; early menarche, hormone replacement therapy, 5) envinmental stress, etc. In 2002 year about one million cases of new breast cancer were estimated all over the world, but in Korea 7,800 cases were newley registered, among them in situ carcinoma was 6.1%. Still current breast cancer incidence in Korea relatively very low comparing to world-wide incidence breast cancer shows very rapidly increasing tendency. So breast cancer specialists should try to educate breast cancer in terms of etiology, symptoms and signs, early detection method including breast self examination.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Prevention, Treatment

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