Journal of Cancer Prevention

eISSN 2288-3657
pISSN 2288-3649

Baseline characteristics of the subjects

AP group
(n = 17)
PA group
(n = 18)
Female 5 (29.4) 5 (27.8) >0.999a
Male 12 (70.6) 13 (72.2)
Age (yr) 37.47 ± 13.30 37.11 ± 14.38 0.939b
Hight (cm) 162.35 ± 5.85 165.99 ± 9.19 0.174b
Weight (kg) 61.39 ± 10.90 60.87 ± 11.16 0.891b
Frequency of milk consumption (per week)
1–2 17 (100) 17 (94.4) >0.999a
3–4 0 (0) 1 (5.6)
More than 5 0 (0) 0 (0)
Amount of milk consumption (mL)
<200 13 (76.5) 15 (83.3) 0.691a
200–400 4 (23.5) 3 (16.7)
≥400 0 (0) 0 (0)
GSRS total score 4.28 ± 2.67 5.28 ± 6.26 0.777c

Values were presented as number (%) or mean ± standard deviation. AP group, A2 millk consumption followed by A1/A2 milk consumption (A2→A1/A2); PA group, A1/A2 milk consumption followed by A2 milk consumption (A1/A2→A2). GSRS, gastrointestinal symptom rating scale. P-values were calculated by aFisher’s exact test, btwo sample t-test or cWilcoxon rank sum test.

J Cancer Prev 2024;29:45~53
© J Cancer Prev
© Korean Society of Cancer Prevention. / Powered by INFOrang Co., Ltd