Fig. 5. Effect of liposomal Quer on cell migration and protein expression. PC3 cell migration was determined by wound healing assay during 30 hours treatment in serum-free medium. (A) Hyaluronic acid-modified and non-modified liposomal Quer inhibited cell migration (×10). (B) The migration ratio (%) was calculated by measuring the wound gaps. Protein lysates were analyzed by Western blotting. Beta-actin was used as loading control. (C) Protein expression E-Cadherin, (D) N-Cadherin, (E) fibronectin, and (F) MMP-9 given as fold changes of each protein compared to loading control. The intensities of immunoreactive bands were quantified by densitometric analysis. UT, untreated; LP, nanoliposomes; LP-HA, hyaluronic acid-modified nanoliposomes; Quer, quercetin; LP-Quer, quercetin-loaded nanoliposomes; LP-Quer-HA, hyaluronic acid-modified, quercetin-loaded nanoliposomes. *P < 0.01 vs. UT, **P < 0.001 vs. all groups, ‡P < 0.05 vs. Quer.