Sujin Park, Kyung-Min Yang, Yuna Park, Eunji Hong, Chang Pyo Hong, Jinah Park, Kyoungwha Pang, Jihee Lee, Bora Park, Siyoung Lee, Haein An, Mi-Kyung Kwak, Junil Kim, Jin Muk Kang, Pyunggang Kim, Yang Xiao, Guangjun Nie, Akira Ooshima, and Seong-Jin Kim
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 1-9*Keywords : Smad3, Epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Pancreatic cancer, Prostate cancer, RNA sequence analysis
Kader Turkekul, R. Dilsu Colpan, Talha Baykul, Mehmet D. Ozdemir, and Suat Erdogan
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 10-17*Keywords : Esculetin, Apoptosis, Cell cycle, Prostate cancer, Cancer prevention
Joon-yeop Yang, Xiancai Zhong, Su-Jung Kim, Do-Hee Kim, Hyun Soo Kim, Jeong-Sang Lee, Hye-Won Yum, Jeewoo Lee, Hye-Kyung Na, and Young-Joon Surh
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 18-24*Keywords : Curcumin, Dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis, NF-κB, STAT3, Tetrahydrocurcumin
Kazim Sahin, Engin Yenice, Mehmet Tuzcu, Cemal Orhan, Cengizhan Mizrak, Ibrahim H. Ozercan, Nurhan Sahin, Bahiddin Yilmaz, Birdal Bilir, Bulent Ozpolat, and Omer Kucuk
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 25-36*Keywords : Lycopene, Ovarian cancer, Laying hen model, Chemoprevention, Transcription factors
Soon Ok Cho, Min-Hyun Kim, and Hyeyoung Kim
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 37-43*Keywords : Adipocytes, Adipokines, Beta carotene, Oxidative stress
Melissa A. Little, Robert C. Klesges, Zoran Bursac, Jon O. Ebbert, Jennifer P. Halbert, Andrew N. Dunkle, Lauren Colvin, Patricia J. Goedecke, and Benny Weksler
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 44-50*Keywords : Smoking, Smoking cessation, Cancer survivors, Health behavior
Salehoddin Bouya, Abbas Balouchi, Sudabeh Ahmadidarehsima, and Mahin Badakhsh
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 51-60*Keywords : Breast self-examination, Early detection of cancer, Knowledge, Iran, Systematic reviews
Jung Ran Choi, Sang-Baek Koh, Seong Yong Park, Hye Ryun Kim, Hyojin Lee, and Dae Ryong Kang
Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018; 23(1): 61-61*Keywords :