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Journal of Cancer Prevention

How to Submit a Manuscript

The Journal of Cancer Prevention has on an online submission and peer review system. Manuscripts should be submitted online at Authors may submit manuscripts and tract their progress to final decision.


Text : To facilitate the review process, manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), Word Perfect documents, or PDF. Use basic fonts such as Arial or Helvetica no smaller than 10 points. Special or mathematical characters and Greek letters, which are not on a standard keyboard, must be created using the Symbol font. The text of your manuscript (including title page, abstract, main text, references, figure legends, and tables) should be uploaded in a single file.

Illustrations : Do not reveal your identity anywhere in the document. Figure files should be submitted as separate files. Figures should be approximately the same size as you would like them to appear in print. Prepare and submit your figures as .gif, .jpeg files of more than 300 dpi resolution. Number figures consecutively with Arabic numbers.


Log on to if you do not have an account, visit at Otherwise, enter your Username and password into the boxes provided, and click on “Author”. At the welcome screen, click on “Submission”.

JCP All Issue
Vol.29 No.4
December 30, 2024
eISSN 2288-3657
pISSN 2288-3649

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